Klapbeslag løser udfordringer inden for medicinske områder
Areas such as hospitals, health centers and rehab receptions often pose major challenges to those who want to furnish them - and even more to them who work in them. There is usually a shortage of space, at the same time as space is needed for patients and staff to move around. Add to that regulations and the personel's desire for safety and flexibility, and you easily understand the difficult task interior designers are faced with.
Områder såsom hospitaler, sundhedscentre og afvænningscentre giver ofte store udfordringer for dem, der ønsker at indrette dem – og endnu mere for dem, der arbejder i dem. Der er som regel pladsmangel, samtidig med at der er behov for plads til, at patienter og personale kan færdes. Hvis man også på reguleringer og personalets ønske om sikkerhed og fleksibilitet, og man forstår nemt den svære opgave, indretningsarkitekter står over for.
In recent years, however, a trend has emerged to solve the above dilemmas with the help of folding tables and shelves. The folding mechanism means that relief possibilities arise within a few seconds, which results in the medical staff being able to quickly adapt the room to the patient's needs and situation.
And folding shelves and tables are not only used in static rooms such as examination and operating rooms - they are also increasingly seen on mobile units like trolleys that nurses and other staff bring with them when visiting patients in their rooms.
Last but not least, our experts have seen that folding brackets are used in ambulances and other vehicles that can be considered to have a medical purpose. According to the reports we get, there is a constant lack of space in the cars and vans, and solutions for maximising the area are more than welcome by the medical staff.
Two examples of folding brackets in a medical environment
ROCA's folding bracket Rakego has proven to have the right characteristics for building the foundation for a safe and strong folding shelve or table.
1. On trolleys
In many hospitals, Rakego is nowadays used as an extra folding table on medical trolleys. Just as in the picture below.
2. In vehicles
As mentioned above, there is a need for maximising the space in the back of ambulances. Our sales reps have several customers reporting that shelves and tables with Rakego as a folding bracket are installed in those vehicles. As soon as we have a picture of such an example, we will update this article.
This is Rakego folding bracket
Rakego is a telescopic folding bracket especially suited for drop leaves, workbenches, and tables. Rakego folding bracket is the perfect solution for small spaces.
- Holds up to 140 kg
- Has optional matching hinges
- Made of aluminum (AA6061)
- Available in silver and black
- Slim and elegant design
Want to know more?
ROCA's experts are more than happy to assist you with your questions or comments about folding brackets in medical environment - or other areas that have a combination of lack of space and requirements for safety and flexibility. Read more about Rakego folding bracket here or talk to one of our sales reps. Click on the button below and browse our contact page by country/region or area of expertise.